Introducing the MARK TWAIN MUSICAL Page



It’s been a while since I’ve built a new permanent page on Notes from a Composer.  See the black banner border above?  Where you can access the following pages, or skip to the following content:


Well, in addition to the resume related pages and the pages devoted to three specific music theater pieces (Speakeasy, The Tell-Tale Heart – a musicabre, and The Song of Job 9:11), there is now a seventh permanent page devoted to the Mark Twain musical comedy beTwixt, beTween & beTWAIN.  To keep things simple, the page is designated TWAIN.


beTwixt, beTween & beTWAIN adapts several of Mark Twain’s best loved short stories as well as excerpts from Life on the Mississippi and The Innocents Abroad.  The TWAIN page includes crisp synopses of the various sections of the show, excerpts from the songs (recorded live), plus links to diverse Notes from a Composer articles that involve beTwixt, beTween & beTWAIN.

Here’s a little example, from Act One, with music:

Cannibalism in the Cars


A congressman tells how he survived weeks on a train caught in a snowdrift without food. Strict Congressional House rules and protocols were followed in selecting candidates for collective consumption.


In December on a Train (parts 1 and 2)





There’s lots more where that came from.  Check the TWAIN page for more Twainesque musical excursions and eccentricities.








About dannyashkenasi

I'm a composer with over 40 years experience creating music theater. I'm also an actor, writer, director, producer, teacher and general enthusiast for the arts.
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1 Response to Introducing the MARK TWAIN MUSICAL Page

  1. says:

    Sounds likegr eat fun. Thanks, Love, Mim

    Liked by 1 person

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